Direct response marketing is the most efficient and responsive method of extending a sales message. This article outlines 7 ways to apply an effective, direct-response approach to selling your product or service.
It is the only form of marketing that can return the largest sales and bottom-line profits per pound/dollar spent.
But how do you apply an effective, direct-response approach to selling your product or service?
There are seven steps to rivet your prospect to your sales message and persuade him or her to respond:
- Step One is the critical opening advance. The headline in your ad or email, the opening sentence in your sales letter, or flyer or insert. The first phrase you utter on the telephone, or one-to-one. The headline is 80-90% of why a person is compelled and will respond to your ad. It is the single most critical element of any marketing or selling approach.
- Immediately follow through with the promise made in your headline, or opening gambit.
- Tell your prospects specifically what they are going to get — what’s your offer
- Substantiate the promises you make about the performance and the results your product or service will provide.
- Tell your prospects what they will lose if they don’t buy your product or service.
- Rephrase the most important benefits in your closing offer.
- And, finally, your Call to Action (CTA). Ask your prospect to take action now — and lead him or her figuratively by the hand, step-by-step through the buying or ordering process.
Direct response marketing is essential for your business. Master it, and you and your business will fly.
Inspired by my virtual mentors, Paul Gorman, Richard Branson, Jonathan Jay, Dan Kennedy, Tony Robbins, and Simon Coulson